Download West Virginia Sales Tax Rates By ZIP Code, County, and City

Do you need access to sales tax rates for every ZIP code, county, and city in West Virginia? can provide you with the data you need, formatted for easy import into Excel, Quickbooks, or the database application of your choice. The sales tax rates database is available for either a one-time fee, or a discounted subscription that will provide you with monthly updates for all local tax jurisdictions in West Virginia.

Our dataset includes all local sales tax jurisdictions in West Virginia at state, county, city, and district levels. The tax data is broken down by zip code, and additional locality information (location, population, etc) is also included. A sample of the 847 West Virginia state sales tax rates in our database is provided below.

You can download the West Virginia sales tax rates database from our partners at SalesTaxHandbook .

Sample Sales Tax Data

WV24729HIAWATHABLUEFIELDbluefield0.0700000.0600000.0000000.0100000.000000PO BOX37.45-81.23000
WV26369HEPZIBAHCLARKSBURGclarksburg0.0700000.0600000.0000000.0100000.000000PO BOX39.31-80.36000
WV25845GLEN FORKBECKLEYbeckley0.0700000.0600000.0000000.0100000.000000STANDARD37.65-81.52000
Field Name Field Description
ZipCode The state sales tax table is broken down to all ZIP codes in West Virginia
City The name of the city in which the ZIP code is located
Jurisdiction The name of the city or municipality managing sales tax collections
TotalSalesTax Total sales tax that must be collected on sales in this ZIP code
StateSalesTax Total sales tax due to West Virginia on sales made in this ZIP code
CountySalesTax Total sales tax due to the county on sales made in this zip code
CitySalesTax Total sales tax due to the city on sales made in this zip code
SpecialSalesTax Total sales tax due to a special taxing district (EMT District, etc) on sales made in this ZIP code
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Frequently Asked Questions

What data is included in the CSV file, and how often is it updated?

Our dataset includes sales tax rates for all local sales tax jurisdictions at state, county, city, and district levels. The dataset also includes useful demographic information about each jurisdiction, including location fields, tax demographics, and estimated population. We update the tax rates in our databases on a monthly basis.

Can I use this data to calculate sales taxes for my business or ecommerce application?

Our database includes all current local and state sales taxes broken down by ZIP code. You can use our data as a part of any ecommerce application, but keep in mind that ZIP codes aren't always aligned perfectly with municipal or county boundaries. We strongly encourage that you do due diligence in verifying all taxation issues with the relevant local taxing jurisdictions.

Can I get tax rate info for multiple states, or recurring updates when tax rates change?

If you need bulk tax rate data or recurring updates when tax rates change, contact us directly with a description of your data needs and our staff will be happy to help you. We can offer a variety of data and services for a discounted, combined fee.

Disclaimer and Terms

Please read the terms and conditions for a description of the data included and the disclaimer of liability. We provide this data on an as-is basis, and while we take all measures to ensure accuracy and completion we cannot be held liable for the contents of the data provided.

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