Sales Tax Rate In $locality Florida 2024 Panama City Beach, Florida Sales Tax

Local Sales Tax - Panama City Beach



2024 Panama City Beach sales tax
Exact tax amount may vary for different items
Tax Jurisdiction Sales Tax
Florida State Sales Tax 6.00%
County Sales Tax 1.00%
City Sales Tax N/A
Special Sales Tax N/A
Combined Sales Tax 7.00% [Is this data incorrect?]

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The Panama City Beach, Florida sales tax is 7.00% , consisting of 6.00% Florida state sales tax and 1.00% Panama City Beach local sales taxes.The local sales tax consists of a 1.00% county sales tax.

  • The Panama City Beach Sales Tax is collected by the merchant on all qualifying sales made within Panama City Beach
  • Groceries are exempt from the Panama City Beach and Florida state sales taxes
  • Panama City Beach collects a 1% local sales tax, the maximum local sales tax allowed under Florida law
  • Panama City Beach has a higher sales tax than 84.5% of Florida's other cities and counties

Panama City Beach Florida Sales Tax Exemptions

PANAMA CITY BEACH - Local sales tax map

In most states, essential purchases like medicine and groceries are exempted from the sales tax or eligible for a lower sales tax rate. Panama City Beach doesn't collect sales tax on purchases of most groceries. Prepared Food is subject to special sales tax rates under Florida law. Certain purchases, including alcohol, cigarettes, and gasoline, may be subject to additional Florida state excise taxes in addition to the sales tax.

Note that in some areas, items like alcohol and prepared food (including restaurant meals and some premade supermarket items) are charged at a higher sales tax rate than general purchases. Florida's sales tax rates for commonly exempted categories are listed below. Some rates might be different in Panama City Beach.

Groceries:TAX EXEMPT Clothing:7% Prepared Food:10% Prescription Drugs:1% Non-Prescription Drugs:1%

Panama City Beach Sales Tax Calculator

Panama City Beach Sales Tax Calculator
Purchase Details:
$ in zip code Leave the zip code default for purchases made in Panama City Beach

All merchants operating in Panama City Beach must automatically calculate the sales tax due on each purchase made and include it in separately in the receipt. Goods bought for resale or other business use may be exempted from the sales tax. If you purchase goods online or through the mail and do not pay any sales tax, you are expected to pay use tax to the Florida Department of Revenue . For more details, see the Florida sales tax.

Panama City Beach Sales Tax Region ZIP Codes

The Panama City Beach sales tax region partially or fully covers 2 zip codes in Florida. Remember that ZIP codes do not necessarily match up with municipal and tax region borders, so some of these zip codes may overlap with other nearby tax districts. You can find sales taxes by zip code in Florida here


Additional Resources & Disclaimer - Panama City Beach Sales Tax

While we make every effort to ensure that our information on the Panama City Beach sales tax is up to date, we can offer no warranty as to the accuracy of the data provided. Please let us know if any of our data is incorrect, and we will update our database as soon as possible.

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If you notice that any of our provided data is incorrect or out of date, please notify us and include links to your data sources (preferably local government documents or websites). If we can validate the sources you provide, we will include this information in our data.

Data Accuracy Disclaimer provides sales tax data for "Panama City Beach" on an AS-IS basis in the hope that it might be useful, and we can offer NO IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS. While we attempt to ensure that the data provided is accurate and up to date, we cannot be held liable for errors in data or calculations we provide or any consequence or loss resulting from the of use of the Data or tools provided by